Michael Novosel
Relationship Manager
Michael is a Relationship Manager that specializes in getting to know individuals and families that are interested in becoming a client. Michael is licensed in several States as an Insurance Agent which allows him to service clients wherever they reside. Michael is from Harrisburg PA and moved to VA in 2020 with Charlotte. He has been in the financial services industry for 7 years and prior to that, he spent 10 years as a hub manager for UPS. Michael holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Phoenix and he has 3 kids that are all grown.
Michael is deaf but he doesn't let that affect his work in any way. On the contrary, we believe he communicates exceptionally well due to his increased focus and remarkable attention to detail.
Michael is a gamer, football fan, and loves to read. Michael is currently working on obtaining his securities license and aspires to acquire his CFP.